Monthly Recap #6


All the activities, including blog posts, videos, and meetups performed during December 2023 are listed below.

Hey friends,

In December 2023, exactly 4 articles were published on the blog and no videos were released, but we have some on the way for YouTube. In case you missed it, here’s the summary below.

Tech Articles

This is the result of the teamwork and giving back mentality of the community, so we’ll never stop saying THANKS to you ALL CONTRIBUTORS who produced, reviewed, liked, and shared our content.

Top Contributors

Feel free to open this page to read more about our activities and maybe contribute.

Follow Us

⭐ More tech content is published regularly on the blog and YouTube, follow our pages or subscribe to the Monthly Activities Newsletter to receive such a summary each month:

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Have a great month,


About Numerica Ideas

NumericaIdeas is a tech community that creates opportunities for IT professionals via skills enhancement, networking, and job recommendations.