Monthly Recap #0
All the activities, including blog posts, videos, and meetups performed before July 2023 are listed below.
Hey friends,
At the moment the community REALLY started producing content, close to a year ago, 18 articles have been published on the blog, 10 Algorithm Challenges sessions done on Discord, 4 tutorial videos, and 2 meetups released on YouTube. In case you missed it, here’s the summary below:
Tutorial Videos
✅ Lift And Shift Cloud Migration of Spring Boot App Using AWS ElasticBeanstalk | Part 2 | Scalability
✅ Lift And Shift Cloud Migration of Spring Boot App Using AWS ElasticBeanstalk | Part 1 | Deployment
✅ Important Cloud Computing Concepts in 8 minutes
✅ Introduction to Terraform for Infrastructure Provisioning
Tech Articles
- Periodic Table of DevOps Tools in 2023
- Spring Boot Microservices Deployment to Kubernetes with Helm via GitLab CI
- Accelerate Android App Delivery via Bitrise CI/CD Pipelines
- Deploy WordPress on a 2-Tier AWS Architecture with Terraform
- Difference between RxJS Observable, Subject, and BehaviorSubject
- Lift And Shift Cloud Migration Manual for AWS ElasticBeanstalk
- Git Cheat Sheet
- How to Configure AWS CLI for Multi-Account Strategy
- Deploying a Spring Boot App with Docker in a Kubernetes Cluster
- Lambda Cold Starts Optimization Strategies
- Jenkins VS GitLab: DevOps Comparison
- Serverless Visual Design with AWS Application Composer
- Easiest GitLab CI/CD Lambda Pipeline
- Lambda Performance Improvement with SnapStart
- Multipurpose Cloud Migration Strategy for NodeJS Projects
- Custom State Management Architecture using RxJS
- Fastest Blog Architecture
- Ghost as Choice over Traditional CMS
French Meetups
✅ Meetup 02: Devenez un freelance de 1ère classe (top 3%) avec Toptal – Salomon Nghukam
✅ Meetup 01: Multi-modules à la Rescousse des Microservices – Valdèse Kamdem
This is the result of the teamwork and giving back mentality of the community, so we’ll never stop saying THANKS to you ALL CONTRIBUTORS who produced, reviewed, liked, and shared our content.
Algorithm Challenges
Here are some accepted solutions from our coding challenges:
- Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays
- Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
- Maximum Subarray
- Combinations
- …
- Find more on GitHub
Top Contributors
✅ Ismael Messa – Articles & Algorithm Challenge Organizer
✅ Orleando Dassi – Articles & Meetup Organizer
✅ Kemane Donfack – Articles
Feel free to open this page to read more about our activities and maybe contribute.
Follow Us
⭐ More tech content is published regularly on the blog and YouTube, follow our pages or subscribe to the Monthly Activities Newsletter to receive such a summary each month:
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Have a great month,
Orleando Dassi – Community Lead